A review by trid1977
Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth by Avi Loeb


The author has some serious self-esteem issues. Very little of this book is actually about ʻOumuamua, the first known interstellar object to pass through our Solar System in 2017. This book is an auto-biography of his growing up, and family vacations. He mentions several papers he has published. All of which sound like he formulate mathematical equations for the probability of life beyond earth. Or trying to get funding to search exo-planets for evidence of street lights.

The rest of the book is complaining the scientific community will fund things like the hadron collider, but not tiny light sails to send out into space to photograph alpha centauri. He would prefer not to have papers and ideas not go thru peer review, but just publish them everywhere on-line.

Sometimes he admits aliens will not be like us, but then explains how they will be just like us. So let's look for signs of 'us' out there.