A review by piburnjones
Happy Birthday, Felicity! A Springtime Story by Valerie Tripp


It strikes me now what tiny snapshots we get into these characters' lives. Who would have guessed Felicity would be a careful gardener? Impatient, impetuous Felicity? Granted, the point of these books is to show readers what life was like in this time and place, but this detail feels like a stretch, even as we're watching her grow more mature and responsible (See Felicity's Surprise.)

Perhaps Valerie Tripp recognized that and deliberately balanced it out by giving the book a plot that has Felicity giving in to some of her worst impulses. There was ONE RULE about the guitar, Felicity. Her interactions with Annabelle are especially cringe-y in this book. Annabelle's a snob and is clearly written to be disliked, but I'm kind of on her side - if I'd just been given a fancy and expensive present, I wouldn't want Felicity's grass-stained hands on it. Felicity's turnabout when she brings her guitar to show off just feels petty.

When her rule-breaking is found out, naturally the adults are all very upset, but I find it out of character (mainly for her father) that no one will listen to her report of the conversation she overheard. Everyone knows she's impatient and doesn't always think things through, but it has never been suggested that she has a habit of telling lies.

American Girls Podcast was very good on the problematic portrayal of Isaac, especially his role in rousing the town at night with Felicity and Ben, so I won't try to duplicate that here. But it's not great.

It feels very weird that this midnight escapade is greeted in the morning with good cheer and congratulations from her family as opposed to getting in trouble for sneaking out at night and putting herself in danger. All is forgiven VERY quickly. But hey, happy birthday, Felicity!