A review by bran_the_writer
The Savior's Champion by Jenna Moreci


No Spoilers!

I'll start by saying I had a lot of fun reading this- even though a lot of the subject matter wasn't supposed to be "fun", at least from the characters' points of view. That being said, I really enjoyed being able to pick up a fantasy novel that wasn't too bogged down by world building and I was equally just as happy to not be inundated with a bunch of apostrophes thrown into the middle of names.

I'll kind of just run through a list of things I liked and didn't like.

I feel like not all characters were created equally, but they didn't need to be. I was happy to not get long, sad backstories for the Tournament fodder characters, or even the antagonists throughout the entire story. We learned enough about everyone to keep the story going. There were a few surprises in there as well, as far as characterization goes- Moreci did a great job with easing some characters in and out of the spotlight when need be, which I appreciated.

I will say I didn't have a great connection to the kingdom of Thessen that the story takes place in, but we don't spend too much time outside of the palace grounds anyways, so hopefully we'll see more of that country in the future.
That being said, that palace is something else as far as the different locations the tournament goes.

This is one of the problems I had with the story- specifically the ending. I feel like the last chapter or so went by so fast and the resolution just hit me. There's not much of any falling action as far as I felt, but I definitely hope it'll be improved on next time around!

All in all, I really had a good time reading this book! I mean, despite the fact that some of the tension that came from the possibility of two characters being caught in something scandalous, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.