A review by katosprool
Botticelli in the Fire by Jordan Tannahill


This was a really interesting read! I picked it up at a sale at the gallery because I liked the cover, so had no expectations going into it and was pleasantly surprised. It's a brief, queer interpretation of the life of Boticelli/Da Vinci/the Medici family and the art scene at that time. The transmutation of the modern art scene onto the past somehow worked really well and the dialogue was both fun and powerful. The anachronistic inclusion of mobile phones threw me a bit. Modern dialogue seemed to work as it was a means of conveying queer culture and the close, casual relationships between the character, but the use of phones took me out of the moment and demanded too much suspension of disbelief. There were frequent calls for special effects that would be difficult to do but amazing if pulled off. I would love to see this performed.