A review by obscuredbyclouds
The Green Road by Anne Enright


This novel is similar to Anne Enright's other novel "The Gathering" in a lot of ways. It's also about an Irish family and, at the end, a gathering around the matriarch of the family.

It's also, supposedly, bleak, but I think my tolerance level for bleak and depressing is just very high (and very low for fluff). What this novel is not: exciting. What it is: very well-written. What this story doesnt have: an engaging story. What it does have: great character studies.

I mean, just read this blurb "Spanning thirty years and three continents, The Green Road tells the story of Rosaleen, matriarch of the Madigan family, and her four children"... This book is barely 300 pages long, how much of 30 years can you bring into this, and still make it ring true and full? Without losing focus?

In a way, it's almost like you're reading (good) short stories from different POVs, that are loosely connected at the end.