A review by coops456
Dominion by C.J. Sansom


2.5 stars for effort and a good idea, poorly-executed.

Philip Roth did the alternative history way better in [b:The Plot Against America|703|The Plot Against America|Philip Roth|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1553896240l/703._SY75_.jpg|911456]. This needed a lot less adverbiage and a lot more editing.

Other Goodreaders hit my feelings on the head:

We're supposed to believe that the reason Frank Muncaster is being hunted is because, in the course of a relatively short conversation with his brother, he learned so much about the US atomic weapons program that, were it to fall into Germans hands, it would advance their nuclear effort several years. Really? He's a geologist, not a nuclear scientist.
On the plus side I was able to suspend disbelief and was interested in the characters enough to hope they 'got away with it'. The tension built in waves but they all came crashing down in a denouement that undermined the whole premise of the plot.