A review by curls
Touch by Natalia Jaster


A gender flipped, ya retelling of Eros and Psyche. Well sort of.

Love has been meddling with human relationships for years without feeling the pangs of love herself. Until she sees Andrew, who can see her too.

This is a great premise for a new series. Instead of it being a straight Greek myth retelling, it borrows heavily from Greek mythology but does it’s own thing. There are the Fates, in another dimension, who send out classes of their gods and goddesses to meddle with fate. Anger, Envy, Sorrow, and Wonder are Love’s contemporaries.

Andrew can see her because he is one of the few humans who is selfless, and therefore is a threat. Love is commanded to set him up with another girl, or she will be forced to watch as the Fates kill Andrew. But the more time she spends with Andrew, the more human and weaker she becomes.

Four stars - the plot did drag toward the middle. But it ended well. Andrew is a genuinely nice guy, and it was great to see Love fall in love.

Anger was my favorite character in this and I’m glad he will be getting his own book.

Five stars for the cover - it’s gorgeous 😍😍😍

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