A review by crtsjffrsn
Einstein's Peep Show by Josephine Myles


The last thing Rory Jones expected was a proposition from his neighbor in the hallway of their building. It's not that he's averse to random hookups. But his nerdy, keep-to-himself neighbor, Nathan, never quite seemed the type. And when Rory learns that Nathan wants to broadcast their time together on a webcam, things get even more interesting. It's not something he's ever done before, but there's always a first time for everything, no?

Nathan might be one to agree with Rory's assessment. He's working hard on his maths degree and has little time for much beyond school. Well, aside from his online cam show which helps him make ends meet. And it's something he hoped to keep a secret until his biggest--and highest paying--fan asks for something more. He works through the awkwardness to ask for Rory's help in what he's sure will be a one time thing.

What neither expects is that they do enjoy their time together. Rory's not put off by the camera. Nathan, though he's not ready for another relationship, felt a connection with Rory he hasn't felt in a while. But it was all just for the camera, right? If they took that out of the equation they would go back to having nothing in common, wouldn't they? But relationships and feelings aren't based on mathematical functions. And unlike that homework due tomorrow, they're also not easily ignored.

I wasn't sure what to think of this at first. It's one of those "jump right into it" stories, and it starts with quite the event. But what's great is that's what pulled me in. This is a quick-moving, high intensity story with no scene or word out of place. The potential for a relationship builds quickly. But it feels right considering the background of the characters. I was with them every step of the way. And I certainly wouldn't mind the opportunity to find out what happens next.

[Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.]