A review by bahbadook
William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return by Ian Doescher


If you're reading this instead of watching the movie, watch the movie. And then read the novelization. And then read this.
Return of the Jedi makes me cry. That music hits and boom, instant tears. I can be not paying attention and hear the music and will still end up crying even though I don't know why (made for a really uncomfortable acting class that one time).
This did not make me cry. Mostly because the music cut off before the part that triggers the tears came on. Great. Perfect. The fact that I also deliberately didn't pay attention when Luke looked off and saw the three figures? Probably unrelated.
Right, yes. This review is on the audiobook version because I still can't read Shakespeare.
Han has a song, guys. Han. Sings. A. Song. And it is absolutely precious. I want that as a ring tone. Actually, no. The song I want as a ring tone is the song to honor Jaba. It reminds me a crap ton of Men in Tights and it delights me.
And if you've ever thought that Artoo was a sassy little butthead, that will be confirmed upon reading/listening to this. When Threepio is all like "They think I'm a god," Artoo has an aside that's like "Oh, great. He already thinks he's basically divine. We won't be able to deal with this ego." Artoo is so freaking funny in this one.
But the thing that brings me the most joy is that this one is, as confirmed by Ian D during his author comments part at the end, the fulfillment of Anakin's story with a crap ton of parallels for Luke. And he doesn't hate the prequels. In fact, he called the six movie story of Anakin Skywalker a cinematic and storytelling masterpiece. Which is what I've been saying for years. I would have loved this regardless, because it tickles lots of my loves, but the fact that he doesn't hate the prequels makes it so much better.
My favorite line in the the entire Star Wars series was twisted a little bit, and it didn't quite hit as hard, but the Emperor's response did hit. And Vader's struggle hit me in my chest. Knowing it and hearing it are two very different things.

Excellent work. Loved it.