A review by bassmh
Woman Evolve: Break Up with Your Fears and Revolutionize Your Life by Sarah Jakes Roberts


I was tremendously eager to read this book and to love it.

Have I read it? Yes, but skipped last 3 chapters

Did I love it? No.

I felt troubled by multiple things. Mainly how disjointed the book felt, which could be stemming from the fact that Sarah tried ever so hard to insert biblical references. I did find myself at times wondering what the chapter is actually about!

And I could not understand why she inserted the bits about COVID. It wasn’t like the book’s had already felt so diffused with trying hard to establish connections to “her interpretation” of Eve’s story, along with being to illusive in writing trying to accommodate both a biblical and a relatable essence ( which I don’t think they contradict each other, But how she did it, I just don’t like).

The book has good nuggets among many pages of what felt like a sermon.

It was far from what I expected and not in a good way. Disappointed ..