A review by loverofromance
Be Mine Forever by Rosemary Laurey


This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

Be Mine Forever is the third book in Laurey's Forever Vampires series. I have really had a fun time with this vampire series that this author has written. I really do like the style of how these books are written with plenty of plot points and swoony moments and with a level of spooky engagements that really pulls in the reader's attention. Now its been a while since I have read a book by this author but I was quickly pulled into this book.

Angela is the daughter of a wealthy businessman and also trained in the arts of witchcraft since her mother is a witch as well. But Angela is very intelligent and when she finds out some problems in the accounting books she goes to her father with the problem and he informs her he will make sure that it is taken care of. But then, she is attacked by a vampire who steals her memories and she and her friend find themselves with no memories and turned into ghouls who will need to live off of raw meat. They are brought into a vampire sanctuary to help them acclimate to their new situation and try to find out their true identities and get their memories back. There is one vampire that Angela trusts though....Tom who has aided her and is a bit too overprotective. But as they journey together to find out the truth, the danger to Angela rises when the vampire who took her memory wants her as his possession and only by Tom and his fellow vampires joining forces with their enemies will they be able to stop this enemy who seeks to destroy them.

I found Be Mine Forever to be a stunning story and I was really intrigued by seeing them really fall for each other and seeing the growth of the plot that develops in this book here. It was quite intriguing though seeing the placement of the plot points though and I really enjoyed seeing how this book develops. It starts out with a pretty intense moment that leaves you in suspense and you find yourself curious about Angela and then we are introduced to our lovely hero Tom, who is a bit of an alpha male at times, but I did like that he respects Angela's choices and her desire to find herself again.

But we also get some fun magical happenings with some witches in the book that I wasn't expecting in this story. We find out that vampires and witches are enemies, they don't EVER work together and they don't ever cross into each other's territories but in this book, they are forced to face some facts and deal with each other and let their misconceptions about each other go so they can defeat their mutual enemy. Angela is the one that really brings these two together though. Angela has made some bonding friendships with both the vampire kind and the witches so they both trust her and since she is the one in danger, is what makes these two enemies willing to work together.

Now onto the villain...boy he is badass and really needs to be put down. We see from the beginning how bad he really is. He manipulates Angela's father into doing his bidding and there are hints that there is a sexual relationship between the men. But we see how he will use any weapon at his disposal to win. He is the one in control and is very powerful, one of the most powerful vampires in the world actually. So we see how they really have to get creative, find out his true origins before they are able to be a match for him. But I did respect that this villain was craftily written and really keeps the reader in suspense all the way through.

The romance that develops between these two is more faded in the beginning. We don't really see the friendship and trust since we don't see how Tom has helped Angela adjust to her new life. We skip ahead over a set of time where they already have a bond of trust but we do see their relationship change from friendship to something deeper. Tom and Angela already have the relationship built in trust though but more develops when Tom comes after Angela when she leaves and goes into witch territory (which she didn't know about, she is just on a search for her past) but Tom crosses enemy territory to keep her safe and we see then how much Tom really cares for Angela. There are quite a bit of sexy times between these two, much sooner than I was expecting in this book and boy these two are pretty explosive. Sex is pretty powerful between these two, but as the danger develops their romance deeps into stronger emotion that just physical intimacy.

We also get my favorite couple of the series " Justin and Stella" who do make a contribution to the story and the plot building. We see their strong bond and seeing them raise Stella's mortal son and I loved seeing this family again. Seeing their strong relationship and what a great family bond they have together and most especially we see the bond between father and son and I love seeing their interactions and what they give to the plot which adds some plot thickening points that really develop the book and most especially the dangerous element surrounding the villain.

Overall I found Be Mine Forever to be a story that is packed with thrills, dangers, off the charts chemistry and a story bound to keep its reader on their toes all the way till the end! VIVIDLY EDGY AND ROMANTIC!

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