A review by ebs_ebs
The Neighbor Favor by Kristina Forest


This book was ok.

I had higher hopes for it. The book cover was cute and the plot seemed like it would be good. The execution was sadly not it for me.


It started off cute with the emails but they should have been spaced out throughout the book. Not compiled together in a never ending chapter.

Nick got on my nerves with his constant mentioning of how he’s a terrible writer and doesn’t consider himself a writer and then just ghosting Lily when it was time to FaceTime. His woe is me attitude was so so so annoying. And I’m still confused as to why he ghosted her. And the whole I can’t let my father know I’m making money and pretending to be British??? Sir you are 30 years old, man up. That whole aspect was weird and turned Nick into a giant con/red flag.

Lily was sweet but also got on my nerves being a constant pushover with her family (who means well mostly) and her boss at work (Devil Wears Prada in a bad way vibes). Lily makes a wager to get her sisters off her back by bringing her own date to her sisters wedding. So we get Nick and Lily fake dating. I wasn’t a fan of how the secret identity and reveal went. Story was cute but dragged on a bit and was repetitive. There was no need for it to be so long with nothing really happening. It felt more like saying the characters had chemistry fathering than showing their chemistry. They felt forced. I feel bad since this book was highly rated but 2 stars for this one.