A review by ellelainey
Would You Like To Be A Family? by Koyama


Copy received through Netgalley


Would You Like To Be A Family? by Koyama
176 Pages

I have to admit, if I'd known this was a collection of three stories, I probably wouldn't have requested it. I thought it would be one full story, but it wasn't.

Story 1: Would You Like To Be A Family
This was a relatively sweet, simple story with some cute elements. It was also slightly problematic, with the child and co-worker fighting over the brother.
The son Mori was super cute, but got a little whiney as the story progressed, constantly competing with Take as to who Natsui liked best. I could buy it, when it first happened, but it continued long after it was logical. Natsui was completely oblivious, a little bit pushy, but lovely, while Take was stiff and harbouring demons from his childhood.
The story itself was very insta-love and sudden, with little development or plot. The artwork was nice, clean and easy to follow.

Story 2: Kuma's Feelings
This story came completely out of left-field for me. I have no idea why it was included, as it had no connection to Story 1. It was supposed to be about a high school student, but became quickly R-rated with little censoring. I didn't understand where it fitted into the book or why.
As for the story itself, Kuma wasn't likeable or dislikeable. He was just another character not properly explored, who was put into a situation that wasn't well developed. If this story could have been saved it would have been with further development of who Kuma was as a person, and the circumstances that led to the crush and the development of an actual relationship.

Story 3: The First Love Psychology
This was a super cute teen romance, taking place in college. It had a pretty basic, but sweet story that lacked depth and detail, could have used exploration and development. But, it felt like one of the most realistic relationships of the book so far.
I loved the idea of the psychology class being used to calculate the distance between friendship and love. Of all three stories, this is the one that I'd love to read a full 100-200 page novel of.

Bonus Story
This returns to Story 1, to have an extra scene, years later when Mori is older.

While I liked aspects of the main story, and Story 3, I feel like each of them were let down by the lack of attention and exploration. The characters had the potential to do more with the story, but it just wasn't ever realised. I also felt Story 2 was entirely unnecessary. It was the only R-Rated story in the group, which made no sense to me.

Also, it feels a lot like the concept and execution of Would You Like To Be A Family? is a little too close to that of Our Dining Table. The plot, the family dynamic, and the extra bonus scene years later are all reminiscent of that story, which I found managed to execute the plotline better. I'm not implying it's the same, or a copy, just that the similarities stuck out to me.