A review by bookfever
City of Fae by Pippa DaCosta


Look, but don't touch.
Touch, but don't feel.
Feel, but never ever love.

I absolutely love books about fae but I haven't read many that I actually thought were that great. So I'm thrilled to say that City of Fae definitely falls into the 'great' category. I really enjoyed it a lot!

The main character, Alina, was so much fun to read about. She had so much spunk and even when she discovered a lot of awful things about her existence, she still managed to be brave and she could kick some serious ass. I love female main characters like that. I also gotta say that I loved the way the author wrote her relationship with Reign. This is aboslutely not a case of insta-love (thank god) but it's was still intense. I loved their dynamic.

I can't say much about the story because I don't want to give too much away but damn it was good. I loved the idea of the fae who had come "out" in the 70's (if I remember correctly). Humans know the fae can be tricky and bespell you but yet they're intrigued by them. Fae are one of my favorite creatures to read about and I can honestly say that the fae in this book belong to my top three for sure.

And of course were there are fae, there's a fae queen. But holy shit she was creepy. All I'll say is... spiders. And I hate spiders. They scare the crap out of me. And the part spiders play in this book... there's some icky moments for sure. I don't want to scare anyone away from this book but wow. I did like how crazy the fae queen was, though. It made for an interesting part of the story.

City of Fae was my first Pippa DaCosta book and I loved it. Her writing was really great. I loved the setting of London, the way she created these fae, even the queen was pretty awesome (in a totally creepy way) to read about. And of course I loved that it was new adult. It was a new fresh take on fae. I would hightly recommend this book.