A review by letturediemme
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger


This is my first review and honestly, the only thing pushing me to do it is spite. My mom HATES this book and Holden, so I knew before even starting it that I’d like it, because that’s what always happens. I wasn’t wrong.

Holden feels like such a real and accurate representation of what a traumatized teenage boy would think and say. Considering the time period and the kind of society he lives in, nothing he said or did came off as a surprise, especially when you start finding out what he’s gone through: what happened in his family, what he saw in one of his schools and the kind of relationship he’s developed with intimacy and sexuality. He’s a traumatized teenage boy with no proper support for his pain, who feels like the odd one out among his peers that he sees as either shallow, “phonies” becayse of the kind of schools and settings he’s ended up in.
I have to admit that the way the book’s written bothered me sometimes, but again, it was its charm. It’s perfectly fitting for the kind of book and for Holden’s character, so I can’t complain much.