A review by mimocanread
Black Moon by Romina Russell


Rating: 4.5/5

(Minor spoilers ahead or not, I can’t tell.)

And this is the book where Romina puts herself on my list of deaths that have ruined me for the rest of my existence.

Book numero three continues with the adventures (tragedy, trauma, fight, etc. etc.) of Rhoma (Rho) Grace. The last time we saw (read) Rho she was dealing with the death of her best friend, she found her old school crush/adviser, she was given the title of Wandering Star, she and her brother were betrayed and lost their father, and of course, boy drama, because even in space, where there is a group of risers (The Marad) that want to do a whole lot of evil, there is time for a juicy love triangle. I am but only human and I am weak in the knees for dreamy boys, which I find it hilarious because I hate love triangles, go figure.

A lot of twists and turns have occurred in the life of Rho, and I am still trying very hard to wrap my head around this book. So many things I was not expecting, but others, oh boy I did.

All righty, let’s try and make a honest review out of this baby.

The Marad and the Master are still a big, big problem. But you don’t actually hear from them until basically the very end of the book, however, there is a new group (a political party), and although they are in a the early stages of forming this group, they have a strong following. This new group are uniting to make a better and new tomorrow. Which is supported by Rho’s friend, Nishi, she committed to this and she’s finding different ways of distracting herself from what happened with the love of her life, but since she’s in this group, everything seems legit. (Not going to get into more of this because I will definitely spoil the entire book, but you can already suspect what’s up with these people.)

Anywho, more twists and turns happen. Someone from Rho’s past comes back, (I almost choked on air when I read that part.) And of course, someone gets KILLED. Why?

Thank you, Romina...I am being sarcastic. I did not think I could suffer anymore, but apparently, your heart can still ache after being crushed to bits and pieces from the previous book, but you know, I’m fine.

Hysan Dax is forever a dream boat, and he is the type of guy I would fly round the zodiac. Okay, this has nothing to do with the book or review, I’m just simply stated the obvious; I just really love the guy.

Nevertheless, like any other book that I love, it leaves me hanging by a thread. I need more. Book numero cuatro, you need to be in my hands. I have questions, and those questions need answers.