A review by mymultiverse
The Cup and the Prince by Day Leitao


ARC provided in exchange of an honest review. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher.

What an enjoyable read! I admit that it was both the title and cover that got my attention first but then I read the synopsis and I was sold with the Royal Games idea.

Zora was a great character to follow and I couldn't not cheer for her. She was relatable, yet very strong and passionate. She was determined in both her goals and values. On the other side, we had Griffin, which was interesting to read about, because you learn more about the inner workings of the games and how he really felt. However, I still preferred Zora's point of view, because it was fresher and filled with more action. Griffin's perspective was necessary but some passages felt a bit repetitive because of his storyline.

It is a pity that the book was so short because even though it was still entertaining, it could have had more in character development and the relationships built throughout the story. Some characters were a bit too much and a couple relationships suffered from the shortness of the book, but it's not something that took me out of the book or made me enjoy it any less. Some characters surprised me because I was not expecting to like them or did not imagine they would be in the book as much, but I was disappointed in others (again, probably due to the lenght of the book) and their actions. I am wondering if we will see any changes in the next books with those characters or get to understand them better.

The Royal Games were interesting and I was curious about the process and the actual games, which were easier than I would have expected, but it was Zora, her defiance and attitude that made me enjoy the book as much as I did. I cannot wait for The Curse and The Prince in a few days!