A review by grid
Out Past The Stars by K.B. Wagers


This ended well. I do think K.B. Wagers has a knack for writing emotional appealing prose. That said, this was full of plot holes you could fly a starship through.

I said enough in my review of the last novel about the magic introduced in this series. It was just as annoying in this novel, and just as inconsistently remembered.

But I found another thing to be almost equally annoyed by though, and that was how, in the first three novels, there were hints that this was all about bringing down the classism inherent in any monarchy. The main character has quite a lot of opinions about this in some of the early books, if I remember right. I remember thinking "okay... so she's not dismantling it overnight, because that would be far more disruptive to her empire, but surely it's coming in the next three novels." ...but nope. Not even a hint of it in this one. In fact, it's sort of the opposite. It turned into much more of a chosen one story than the first trilogy. (Or maybe I was just willing to give the first trilogy much more of a benefit of the doubt.) And our main character has definitely "resigned herself" to being the empress.

Just another point of disappointment to add to the pile for this series. I'm glad it's over.