A review by ratetheromance
Hooking Him by Aurora Rose Reynolds


3.5 stars

This is my first romance read by author Aurora Rose Reynolds and I liked it fairly well, but something about it just didn't grab me. The early chapters between the two leads were filled with sizzle and great banter, but after that things kind of waned for me as far as their relationship.

I did not read the books that come before this in the series and maybe that is why I found myself having so many questions about the female lead. We learn that she leaves a wealthy life in Chicago and finds solace in a small town, working in a local bakery. But we never hear WHY she chose a bakery. If she was raised primarily by nannies and other staff how does she know how to bake? Why does she find working at the bakery so fulfilling? Is that her passion? We hear nothing about that professional choice and why she chose it. We know she left a billionaire lifestyle behind in Chicago for a new start, but we never learn how she chose THIS town, why she chose a tiny studio apartment, did she bring no money with her from Chicago? This details are never fleshed out and it makes this character feel oddly foreign to the reader, even after reading an entire book in which she is the lead.

There is also A LOT of mention of the couple who were the subject of one of the previous books in this series and it seems really odd how much they get mentioned in this story if you are reading it as a standalone.

The story itself was cute, well-paced, and a decent read, but it doesn't feel nearly fleshed out enough and it definitely feels like a later book in a series and the reader doesn't get enough info for it to be a true standalone romance.

Also, it should be noted that these two have multiple steamy scenes and never once use, or even discuss using, protection. There is no mention of condoms or the female lead being on any form birth control. There is no mention of being "clean" or tested for any illnesses. This is very unusual in my experience with contemporary romance and not a very responsible move on the part of the author.

I received an ARC of this title from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.