A review by blodeuedd
Goddess of the Hunt by Tessa Dare


This was a good book for a long bustrip, I sat there and smiled and must have looked like a fool sometimes.

Lucy wants to get married and she has her sights on a certain person but how to get there when she is such a tomboy who hasn't even had her first season? So she gets this silly idea that she should practice her seduction skills on her brother's friend Jeremy. What a crazy idea, and I was so glad to see that Jeremy was a gentleman who tried to resist.

Lucy was bold, and I liked her. Act like her I would not have, but I sure liked her spirit. She was sweet, even if a bit naive in a way. You just had to love her when she got that idea into her head. Jeremy is cold, and those two had never really liked each other. Not to mention she has her sights elsewhere. But things start to happen and I fall for them both and keep wishing they can look through their silly games.

I sometimes have a problem with historical romance, the oh so virginal unkissed heriones tend to give it up to quickly and always love it at once. How sweet and how nonvirginal all must have been. Even if I like a book that always annoys me, and I was so glad that that did in a way not happen here. I did not want things to bug me.

So this book had me soon smiling and grinning like a fool. There are some passages that just made me wanna giggle. Then the book took another turn and changed and I liked the new turn of events too. Made me root for them more, made me dislike Jeremy more and made me love him more. They do not have an easy way to go but that is what romance need, a rocky way to make them realise that they do belong together.

There is also a sidecharacter that I do not want to like at first, since Lucy does not want to like her either, but I do fall for her, she has such an imagination. And I am glad to see that she is the main character in the 2nd book, and the 3rd book also has a charcter from thsi book in it. I would sure like to see how it all plays out.