A review by iam
A Dashwood of Sense And Sensibility by Anyta Sunday


Another lovely addition to this series.

I was intrigued by the idea of having two love stories in one book, and it make sense for the brothers Noah and Zach. They were very different despite being very close, and while their stories were inseparably tangled, they both had very different vibes.

I didn't realize at first that the brothers had appeared in several of the previous books. As usual, it can still be read as a standalone though, though as always, the connections to previous books is delightful.

Noah being trans was a delightful surprise, and mostly handled well, meaning it wasn't made a big deal at all. The only thing I thought was a bit strange was how vague yet detailed the sex scenes were. It was awkward because it felt like there was some tiptoeing around Noah's genitals.

Noah's story was a lot calmer, but the bigotry and terribleness-of-people central to his plotline was hard to read. Zach's was a lot more lighthearted and made me laugh, but it was also over-the-top in a groan-out-loud way. Not too bad to not still be enjoyable, but toning down his obliviousness at least a little would have been appreciated.

Lastly, the usual disclaimer: This is a retelling of a Jane Austen novel. I have not read that original inspiration, and cannot comment on that aspect at all.

I have received an ARC and reviewed honestly and voluntarily.