A review by toriedawn1
Belle: A Retelling of "beauty and the Beast" by Cameron Dokey


Sisters who arent awful, a mother still alive, what kind of retelling is this? Seriously though I did really enjoy this book. It was a nice take on the beauty and the beast and they managed to keep a few aspects of early tales, the question every night for example is still used in this version but I feel it is done in a far less creepy way, ||asking a girl to look at the beast for 5 seconds seems more reasonable than asking her to marry you, im all for believing looks arent everything but that dude has fangs and claws, marrige sounds unsafe||. I liked how it showed with the sisters that sometimes a simpler life where you are given the option to find things you are good at can be better than having to live up to societys expectations of what you should excell at. The beast in this version was excellent, witty and not too pushy. Belle was a little whiny at first, definitely the person most obsessed with looks at the start but she grows into herself. Overall an excellent retelling and one I'd reccomend.