A review by davygibbs
As The Crow Flies by Craig Johnson


Not one of the stronger entries in the series. There's a lot here that seems superfluous (the peyote incident comes to mind), including the primary case the plot is structured around. Some decently strong characters are introduced, but I'm not sure their connections with Walt were explored fully. The book suffers most of all from a lack of the beloved, familiar things that make the other books so comforting -- Walt's staff in Durant, Durant itself, Vic most of all (!) -- and even though the story also concerns Cady's wedding, we get very little of substance on that front.

Craig's a wonderful writer, so the book is still a fun read, and if you're a Longmire obsessive like me, you've still gotta read it. But it's a little disappointing when you hold it up to the others, especially its immediate predecessor, Hell Is Empty, which was among the best Longmire stories.