A review by sarahs_bookish_life
The Exiled by Kati Hiekkapelto, David Hackston


I really enjoyed the whole story line to this book. Anna already works for the police but in Finland. This doesn’t go down to well with the police in her hometown village when her bag gets stolen and the thief turning up dead. They don’t seem to want to investigate things any further and only do the bare minimum to try and keep her happy. Obviously Anna’s policing instincts kick in and she starts to delve into things herself which has her questioning her own fathers death.

Her father was also in the police force but was shot dead which left her mother and her family understandably devastated. There seems to be more to it though than she was originally led to believe and Anna is like a dog with a bone and can’t let go until she finds out the whole truth.

Anna was kind of hard to work out. She gives off a hardened exterior but yet I didn’t quite believe she was as hard as she makes out. There is definitely a vulnerability about her which you can see in how she turns to alcohol. Her love life is anything but straight forward either and she certainly comes across as being quite a mixed up individual.

The Exiled was a really intriguing read. I was just as determined as Anna to find out why the police in her small home town weren’t doing their jobs properly and as to who was really behind her fathers death. It certainly makes for quite a thrilling read. I would certainly read more books in the series featuring Anna.

My thanks to Karen at Orenda Books for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own and not biased in anyway.