A review by booksforlosers
Waiting for You by Susane Colasanti


you know those smells? like the smell of the pool, or a specific house or candle, the way spring smells? it’s weird how all those smells remind you of the good ol days of childhood. those days for me were the days before i had to worry about phones and social life at school, when id go outside for hours and feel one with the earth and just feel so happy for no actual reason. well that’s what this whole book reminded me of. and it made me wish that i was the age i am now in 2010 , when i was really in kindergarden. growing up in the 60s or 80s are even early 2000s seems so fun cuz you did all your socializing actually at school, not online. and all the kids that you went to school with were close by, maybe even in your neighborhood, and you could all hang out and go outside whenever you feel like it. no one wants to go outside anymore but staying inside sucks. anyways this book was great and totally got me thinking way too much.