A review by shemyshines98
Tyler Johnson Was Here by Jay Coles


I love this book. I love every book that talks about Police Brutality and Racism and how it can affect the community and the world around us. Marvin & Tyler were twins. Their father was sentenced to serve for a crime he didn't commit and their mother has to work around the clock to keep the roof over their heads and food on the table. Marvin is what you call a "nerd", he loves "A Different World" (I also love it!!) because it gave him hope that he could make it out in this cold world. He has two very supportive best friends G-Mo and Ivy. Tyler started to hang around the wrong crowd. Marvin, his friends, and Tyler go to Johntae's party, (The bad influence gang-member friend of Tyler). The party ends up being raided by the police and next thing you know, Tyler goes missing. Coming to find out, he was on his way home but was stopped by the police. Tyler told the police that he was just trying to get home and he ends up getting shot three times. Thankfully someone caught it on all on camera. Now, Marvin and his mother have to deal with the fact that their loved one was brutally taken away from them, all because of someone's hatred for colored people. The story progresses with Marvin having the hardest time moving on. Dealing with the fact that he no longer has a twin, in the end, him, his friends and mother spread his ashes in the sea. I am glad that the book didn't speak on the trial as we all know how that would've turned out. It's just better to leave it left unsaid. It's not going to bring them back, it's only going to make the pain last longer. This was definitely a good book.