A review by brhillmann
Hidden City by J.S. Furlong


I received an ARC of this book in exchange for the opportunity to leave an honest review.

The only complaint I really had is that the MC's tendency to use random nicknames made it frustrating to follow who she was talking about during action scenes. Several of the characters were referred to by more than one nickname, and even their real name added to the mix.

All of that said, I had worried that this would be a story of a Jewish girl having to embrace Christianity to save her life, and I was pleased to be wrong. I adore stories told from perspectives of what we have deemed 'normal' (ie: Christian), and it's refreshing to read a story about being Jewish that is not a Holocaust tragedy. Stacy's religion plays well into the story with a nice twist on the vampire genre, and aside from the main plot, I love that it's so normalized in the backdrop of the setting. Excellent work.

I'm looking forward to the next book!