A review by readlovelisten
Will of the Mischief Maker by Antoine Bandele, Fiona McLaren


*I received this from the author in exchange for an honest review.*

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and I can't wait to read more books by this author. Eshu is the Messenger Orisha, the Gatekeeper and he also is a trickster. The story dives right into the lore, there is great worldbuilding and we are emerged into setting as the story begins. Eshu is such an animated and enigmatic character. I love when Eshu complains, it’s so funny. It’s reminiscent of that grumpy old man that grumbles about everything. I really enjoyed this prequel. This was my first time reading about Orishas and my first time reading about a “trickster". I definitely wanted to know more about the Orisha world, Obatala and I can’t wait to find out what Eshu’s true intentions are.