A review by wildfaeriecaps
A Whisper in the Dark by K.J. Sutton, Jessi Elliott


(Do I need to say this is the review of an eARC? Dunno. But it is. Regardless, my opinions here are honest and entirely my own.)

I'm always a little leery about co-authored books despite the fact that I've never actually read a bad one. This was no exception. It flowed smoothly, no jarring transitions or style changes. And that's about where my ability to talk technical stuff ends.

The world reminded me of so much. It was like an nuanced meal where I could taste flavors of things I've had before but was, on the whole, it's own thing entirely. I felt like I could *see* the settings, feel the press of people in the bar, the desolation of the streets just before sunrise. I love Charlie. She is all that I want in a protagonist. Good and yet, flawed. Beneath the veneer is a monster waiting to be released and I adore it. I was game for who I thought the love interest would be, even though it would not be my first choice. And then the end happened and my fangirling heart squealed with joy.

I look forward to the next installment of this story. I already knew that K.J Sutton wrote books that I love, that speak to the twisted places in my heart that sing for these dark themes. Now I'm excited to check out what Jessi Elliott has to offer. I feel like I made out like a bandit on this deal: a great new story to read, a new author's work to pursue, a beloved author's work to revisit. Yes, yes, yes.

Go. Read. This. Book.