A review by mhoffrob
The Guilty Dead by P.J. Tracy


While I had not read any of the prior titles in the Monkeewrench series of mystery/thrillers, "the Guilty Dead" (the 9th in the series) was riveting and I did not feel I'd missed anything by jumping in the middle of the series. Some character development and background, obviously, but this title was enjoyable on its own, enought that I'll keep P.J. Tracy in mind when my "too read" pile diminishes a bit.

Monkeeshines is a private software firm in Minneapolis, where much of this title is set. The plot revolves around the apparent suicide of philanthrapist Gregory Norwood, one year after his son Trey's death by overdose. But a pair of detectives soon noticed disturbing clues at the scene and determine this gun shot wound was not self inflicted. Meanwhile, Monkeeshines' new software discovers a terrorist plot against Minneapolis City Hall, and some unconnected deaths in the area. Slowly, a master plot links all together and leads to a manhunt and uncovering long buried secrets of the Norwood family and a condidate for MN govenor.

Would recommend to fans of psychological thrillers, espionage plots and the like. Similar to author Harlen Coben.