A review by fulltimefiction
Misery by Stephen King


3.5 stars

This book was creepy to say the least. I enjoyed most of it except for the passages of Misery, how much he talked about Fast Cars, and when he imagined a different scenario and got carried away with it (nothing wrong with the latter, he is a writer, but a few times it went on and on and I was losing interest rapidly). As intrigued as I was, I was bored many times throughout this book, hence the 3 stars rating.

Other than that, Misery is brilliant, the characters were fleshed out, and Annie! I loved her characterization, how she’s all sweet one moment, the other she’s holding an axe. How she knows things Paul might be planning. She truly is one of the most iconic King’s creations. I also like the part where he shared a writer’s struggle which King knows firsthand.

So overall it was an interesting read and I totally get the hype. Sadly however I was bored from time to time enough that it took me longer than it should’ve had to finish the book.