A review by sionna
Grigori by Lauren Smith


*I received this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

Dragons! In Russia!

Madelyn is a decent character. She is into mythology, she is a teacher with a degree, and she is really smart. I don't think her intelligence really shines through though and she ends up becoming a plain jane for me who is excited to teach children... even though she currently is a professor at a university. I just don't get that. I feel like she had some potential to be different, or stand out, but didn't. Grigori is the classic alpha male stereotype with a few quirks, but nothing super exciting.

Yet, I still really liked the characters and enjoyed the story.

The twists were interesting and while predictable were still fun to read as they played out. Some of the things that happen do not seem consistent which did irk me a bit. If a shifter can tranform in an instant then why didn't that character? Also, something is stated and it seems more for dramatic affect, because the... condition, if you will, is not brought up again... even after the serious injury...

I feel with these kinds of novels are fun guilty pleasures, so I rate them more leniently. I do hope to pick up the next book in the series, but I'm not dying to get to it. I'll read when I feel like it. But, it isn't every day that I find dragon shifter books, so I might get to it soon :)