A review by chalicotherex
The Preserve by Patrick Lestewka


As a horror book, this isn't much. There's too many monsters crammed into it to make it scary. When horror novels/films try to work in universe where 'everything is real', I find they quickly devolve into comedy or action, which is fine but a bit misleading.

The story's about a group of badass Vietnam Vets from an elite unit who went on to work as badass mercenaries, assassins, gamblers, a guy with a flmaethrower, etc. and get reunited by a mysterious entity
(it's a Wendigo, sort of)
who wants them to travel into the Northwest Territories on some false premise, I forget what exactly. I think they're supposed to hunt convicts or something. When they get there they find out it's a nature preserve for paranormal creatures. An unnatural reserve. One by one they get picked off by the monsters and slowly turned into them through werewolf and vampires bites, etc. It gets kind of silly, even with the gore.

At least he left out the underground boxing this time around.