A review by iyaa
Always Never Yours by Emily Wibberley


I. LOVE. THIS. BOOK!!! I literally did not stop jumping up and down after I finished reading this. It took me at least an hour to calm down. NO JOKE.
To be honest, I'm not actually that familiar with [a:Emily Wibberley|10788120|Emily Wibberley|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1519955999p2/10788120.jpg]'s works, but after reading this, I promised myself to buy more of her books.

First of all, THE COVER. Oh my God. This cover is amazing! The cover was the thing that drew me to purchase this book, and may I say, it did not disappoint. Beautiful cover, beautiful story, and you know what else? AMAZING characters.

We have the main character, Megan Harper, who as other people refer to, a slut. Personally for me, I'm not even close to referring to her as a slut, because there's more to this girl than that. First of all, just because she's had her fair share of boy's company and is a very flirtatious girl doesn't mean she's a slut. She's not even the one breaking up with her boyfriends! It just so happens to be that every guy she ends up being with dumps her for another girl (and boy;) ), and she just moves on then finds herself in another relationship, and guess what? The same cycle happens again. IT IS SO NOT HER FAULT. I guess people just get used to seeing her with so many different guys that she gets referred to as a slut. But in reality, she just happens to like another boy then ends up being dumped, and then moves on to another relationship. THAT'S NORMAL. What, do you expect someone to get dumped and not have a relationship again? Turn eighty with no kids? Uh, impossible. But yes, there's no denying that she tends to flirt with really hot guys all the time, but it's not like she's inviting every hot 'single' guys she sees over to her room. Now that's what I'd call a slut.
Megan is a really pretty and thoughtful girl, and I enjoyed reading this book from her point of view. She has parents that are divorced and is currently living with his dad and his pregnant girlfriend, Rose, and her cute little baby stepsister. And then we have her mom, who's in Texas living with her boyfriend, Randall. There were times that she was facing problems in her family, like moving and other stuff, but this book mostly focuses on finding someone who could finally love Megan for who she is, who could make her heart flutter and finally tell herself, 'Hell, I'm in love!' And then that leads to my favorite character in this book, Owen Okita.

Owen is oh-so-amazing! I find myself also falling for this shy, caring, and boyfriend material boy. Owen is (sigh) my dream boyfriend. Personally, I'd settle for hot bad boys, but I would't think twice to say yes if Owen would date me. His looks weren't over-the-top in this book, but I do know for a fact that he is handsome, but I wouldn't actually care because of his personality. Owen is a boy who is so easy to love, and I just—I love him. I love the fact that he's a shy little six foot baby, I love his hair, that he's part Asian, that he blushes all the freaking time, that he gets embarrassed easily, especially when Megan flirts with him.
Spoilerand his six pack abs that you'll gush about in my favorite part of this book
Just—literally just everything about this boy.

There are also more different characters in this book, like Madeline, her best friend who's in a relationship with Megan's ex, Tyler, and as Megan refers to them, they're the perfect couple.
Spoileralthough I'm not so sure about that...

Anthony, Megan's ex that turned out wasn't straight at all,
Spoilerand Eric;)

Cosima, Owen's girlfriend that lives in Italy,
Spoilerbut I wouldn't worry about her so much if I were you, hihi

Will, or Billy, whatever, a hot boy that Megan's crushing on,
Spoilerwho dumps her for Alyssa

Jody, her let's call theater teacher (because I have no idea what you're supposed to call her),
Sam, Owen's brother,
and many more characters that I won't write in here because I'm too lazy.

You know what I love most here? The fact that Megan and Owen started as friends. I even love the flirting, which Owen'll get a hang on and will also do, and the Shakespeare stuff (I'm sorry I really am not a fan with those), meaning the Romeo and Juliet play. I love that Megan finally found her inner Juliet (and her Romeo, hihi). I love how their relationship evolved, and reading about that is something that I'll always enjoy.
I love everything about this book, and I can't fit into words how happy I am to have been able to read an outstanding, cute, and gush-worthy book that'll leave me screaming like this.

I love love love love (and another love 3000×) this book.
You won't regret reading this. I promise.