A review by sempiternal_books
There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins


“Running away from home didn’t change the fact that a person still had to live with themselves.” - Stephanie Perkins, There’s Someone Inside Your House

There’s Someone Inside Your House felt like reading a YA contemporary and watching a teen slasher film at the same time. I’m sure you’ve heard this if you have read any other reviews for this book, but this book isn’t really scary or considered horror. It’s more suspenseful and gory than anything else. And if you couldn’t tell from the title, this book plays with the idea of someone being in your house. And I just have to say that those scenes were some of my favorites. They were just so creepy and written really well. I was thoroughly creeped out. The killer in this book likes to play around with his victims before he kills them. He’ll steal things, move stuff around so the victim thinks they’re going crazy.

This book was perfectly paced, but as for the plot, there wasn’t really much of one, other than serial killer terrorizes teenagers. The characters don’t really add much to the story either, which is disappointing because they all had a lot of potential. This is definitely a quick little Halloween read if you’re looking to sneak one in, but it certainly won’t keep you up all night. If you’re looking for a fast-paced, gory slasher novel, look no further. But if you’re in the mood for something more scary and substantial, you might wanna keep looking.