A review by dnemec
The Graveyard Apartment by Mariko Koike


Apparently, living near a cemetery is not as great as one would think. (Well, I think it would be great. But that might be just weird, little ol' me...)

Something weird is going on in the building where Teppei and Misao Kano have moved with their daughter, dog and bird. The apartments are very cheap, but the building is only half full, perhaps because it is surrounded by a graveyard and crematorium. Right off, the bird keels over dead in the apartment. Then Tamao, the daughter, is mysteriously injured in the creepy-ass basement. But when her mother goes down to get her, the elevator won't move. (Incidentally, this struck me as odd. They must not have any building codes in Tokyo. There is an elevator and emergency stairs for the rest of the building, but the only way to get to the basement is the elevator. The steps don't go down there. I don't know if that's common, but it's weird!) The elevator only gets moving again when another tenant prays over the elevator. Suddenly, everyone is moving out until the Kanos are the only ones left. Then things get worse...

This wasn't great, but it was entertaining. There's just something about Asian horror that captures me. This was quite subtle, for the most part. A worthwhile way to spend the weekend!