A review by peterme
Farsighted: How We Make the Decisions That Matter the Most by Steven Johnson


This is a perfectly find book on the subject of decision making, specifically decisions that warrant broader research, planning, and real considered thinking through. (As opposed to quick decisions, of the type addressed in Gladwell's _Blink_).

That said, this book came across as perfunctory, and, coming from Steven Johnson, thus disappointing. I've come to expect greater insight, stranger (and more revealing) connections, a more compelling narrative thrust.

There are a collection of about a dozen tools and concepts for decision-making, each illustrated with a story (sometimes a real world example, some times drawn from fiction).

Having a single work that catalogs these tools is handy, and the main reason I gave the book a generally positive review. But, it also felt that Johnson lost steam at some point in writing this book, and pushed on to flesh out his outline, but did little more. The book lacks the spark and energy of his earlier work, suggesting a lack of passion in telling these tales.