A review by beckymmoe
Cold & Deadly by Toni Anderson


Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 2/18/19.


It is so freaking good.

It kept me going from the first page to the last--a roller coaster ride of a story to rival anything Cedar Point has to offer and the some! Ms. Anderson did an amazing job of concealing who the antagonist was, even while giving us clues aplenty--once it all comes together they make total sense, but ohmygoodness she really kept me guessing for a good chunk of the book. I kept going back and re-reading scenes, looking for the clues that would have revealed it all, but the obvious ones aren't there. At. All. The last 25% of the book was pretty much one "Ah ha! So that's why..." moment after another, interspersed equally with heart-pounding suspense and romance.

Speaking of romance--everything in that arena too is spot-on. I loved Ava and Dominic, and even while bemoaning the fact that they weren't sitting down and having a much-needed conversation, it made complete sense that they weren't--they barely had time to breathe with everything that was going on. And yes, they argument could undoubtedly be made that things happen pretty fast here relationship-wise, but with everything else that was going on, falling in love quickly honestly felt like the least of their worries. By the book's end, I was more than ready to believe in the EA part of their HEA.

Cold & Deadly is the first in Ms. Anderson's new series, and as such is a great place to start reading her books if you're a newbie. If you're not, you may see some familiar characters here--there's an especially exciting connection to book one in the Cold Justice ([b:A Cold Dark Place|21864681|A Cold Dark Place (Cold Justice, #1)|Toni Anderson|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1403174146s/21864681.jpg|40351596]) that helps to make this story one I won't be forgetting soon... (no worries if you haven't read that book yet--but trust me, you're going to want to!)

I am so freaking ready for this series--bring more on, please, ASAP!

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.