A review by crookfeetsie
Autumn Rose by Abigail Gibbs


It’s a damned sight better than the first book - I mentioned in my review of Dinner with a Vampire that I would be interested to see how Abigail would re-write it now, and I feel like the writing style of “Autumn Rose” would be what that would look like to a massive degree.

I think that there are still slight bits that I cringe at, but that’s just showing the age of the book more than anything.

Altogether, the plot is phenomenal, I think Abigail has tackled Autumn’s depression in a really interesting way along with the later bits about Violet’s trauma following the events of book 1, and I’m really disappointed that I don’t have a third book to read in this series, because it really has a lot of potential.

Ach well, I’ll continue to keep my eye out for anything Abigail does publish going forward.