A review by colleenlovestoread
The Opposite of Me by Sarah Pekkanen


When I first began "The Opposite of Me: A Novel" I thought, "Oh no, another book about a stressed out workaholic New York woman who loses her job and finds out what she really wants in life...boring!". Then I progressed in the book and realized it was so much more than that, and that I loved it! I actually did laugh out loud at some of the comments Lindsey makes in her head and got a little weepy towards the end (most of this happening in the confines of my office so I am sure my coworkers now think I am crazy!). This is such a great read that I plan to recommend it to many of my reader friends. I cannot relate to the complicated, mixed-bag-of-emotions relationship between Lindsey and Alex, but the book is written so well that you don't have to have experienced what the characters are going through to really feel what they are feeling. I just can't praise it enough. You will finish the book feeling calm, clear and highly satisfied!