A review by savaging
Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar by Cheryl Strayed


Do you want advice? You want to be told what-for? Whereby? Whatnext? Again and again, sweet peas?

And isn't this why I do tarot card readings and interpret dreams? - because we all long for someone else to take us in their hands and push us in one direction, unambiguously. We have to believe it matters, our decision. We have to believe we've chosen the Right Thing, so we can begin biting our nails over the following right-or-wrong conundrum.

But probably Cheryl Strayed herself knows this secret: we carry ourselves whichever direction we move, and whichever choice, we'll find ourselves there.

You are certain to disagree with at least one of Strayed's strongly-worded opinions. But maybe the real advice isn't the opinions but the strong words. A meta-advice-column: this is how to write advice. Because she does clearly have a knack for that.