A review by kateflood
Wahala by Nikki May



 Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for letting me read an e-copy in exchange for an honest review. 
I absolutely devoured this book. The three main characters of Ronke, Simi and Boo are feel so incredibly real and well-developed, which makes the cracks in their friendship once Isobel is introduced even more heartbreaking. All three women are flawed and make mistakes, which makes it all the more interesting to read from each of their perspectives. 
I wasn’t able to predict where the plot was going which is a gripe I often have with thrillers, and the book touched on dark topics without making me want to put it down. On the contrary, I was enthralled the entire time, and I can totally see why it’s going to be made into a TV serial. 
I adored the way that this book dealt with dual nationality, race, class, and identity. It felt like especially through the character of Ronke, May was writing a love-letter to British-Nigerian culture, which was incredible for me to read as a total outsider to that culture. 

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