A review by lyricallit
Abandoned Baobab by Ken Bugul


I didn't much enjoy this book. Perhaps once I have a chance to talk about it with my classmates, I can get a better understanding of the novel. I don't have high hopes, though. The overall narrative structure of the novel was very off-putting; the speaker felt quite distanced from her audience. At times it felt like listening to someone talk to herself -- you feel like you're intruding, a little awkward and confused at hearing only one side of a conversation. Additionally, the chronology jumped around without a lot of warning or explanation. By the end of the novel, I was downright frustrated with the speaker. I felt sorry for her, yes; she absolutely experienced awful events in life no one should have to experience. But she hinted at moments, especially towards the end in scenarios with her family, where I saw intimations at opportunities for her to reach out but instead she retreats, psychologically arrested in continually mourning a past she cannot change. Again, maybe my classmates can help me better understand this novel and this character. For me, she did very little in the narrative form to help me really understand and connect to her.

*edit* After discussing this in class, I can at least appreciate what this novel tries to discuss and address. I still don't think it's a book I would recommend to others, but I can at least respect the discussion it evokes.