A review by yazaleea
Until You by Briar Prescott


Is this a 5 stars? Maybe it’s because I have only been reading mid romances (i still LOVE hockey romances to death, don’t get me wrong), is it because tonight is a particularly bad night for my mental health (it’s only been getting worse lately)? Or is it because I loved every single moment of this book?

I loved the writing. It was a little dramatic at times and I mean it in the best way, it was lovely. It confirms how much single POV works for me. Especially in a story like this one that has a couple plot twists that would have never worked with a dual POV.

Speaking of the plot twists, one was quite easy to predict (the reveal was still good) but the other caught me a little off guard and I liked it.

As for the characters: Jude, the narrator, was great. He is a deeply lonely man who never gets close to people because of trust issues. He has his close circle of best friends, the only people he seems to give a piece of himself too, but still keeping them at a distance, and then the rest of the world. He doesn't need anymore people in his life.

Blake is beautiful, smart as fuck and he gets Jude. Blake doesn't want to have sex with Jude, who only does one night stands. Things are off to a terrible start. But they slowly become friends. I swear at this point I was crying tears of joy. Despite the obvious instant attraction, I loved to see them get closer, during the first half of the book. Being friends with someone like Blake is new to Jude and he fights it for a while, until he lets himself fall.

I swear it was so satisfying, there was no drawn-out miscommunication trope, and when drama arises, I really like how both Blake and Jude handled it. I loved the resolution. I just really liked this.

Jude's loneliness, the way he lives it and describes, the way he feels like he can't really trust people and would rather push them away than risk them getting close is something I heavily related to, and it made him all the more sympathetic to me. I liked his biting cynicism, his dark sense of humour and his straightforwardness. And he fit so, so perfectly with Blake's easy-going, soft but just as stubborn personality. They are perfect for each other I love them so much. They have this "two broken/scarred people find each other and become whole together" vibe that I am obsessed with.

Also, we get amazing side characters with the lesbian wives Blair & Nora and their baby, as well as Blair and Jude's best friend, Stephen who is the MC of the next book (I can't wait, the moment I post this I'll be starting And Then You).

Anyway, first read in a WHILE that is not a hockey romance and that felt good, slow burn is not dead baby!