A review by hannahsophialin
Interlude by Victoria Derubeis, Sarah Godfrey


Original Review posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts.
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Owls

Note: Formatting may be lost due to copy and paste.
Disclaimer: Review copy provided by the authors for review

I was originally planning to read Interlude over Thanksgiving Break. Then I changed my mind and essentially decided to read it while waiting to find out another lovely required reads assignment, which literally drowned me in a pile of book trouble last week. e_e

(I managed to finish Interlude during Advisory. It lightened my load a bit. Though I prefer carrying thousands of virtual books over 3 heavy ones all day around school. :p)

Oh, and let's just say I wasn't exactly planning on making the authors wait until December for the review if I finish the book and schedule the review early... therefore, with a few tweaks here and there, the review for Interlude occupies the last spot for early November... :3

This is like a version of the chewpacabra Gulliver/Frankenstein-sized in a witch's house from Hansel and Gretel, only made of metal and feeds on fear, and a creepy read for Halloween. Ironically I did finish on Halloween... night. Either way, it was a lot of fun trying to guess what it really was.

Unfortunately, most of my virtual notes contains of guessing.

Out of curiosity, did Carmi and Jason switch brains or something (oh gee, that's making it sound like Invasion of the Body Snatchers...)? They seem to have similar personalities now... O_o

But Interlude seems to be going in the direction of a new story arc (though the characters from the first two books are still the same... at least in main, so it's not a spin-off) leading to the third novel, and I kind of think that I might like it better than the first two (oh hey, that's kind of rare. O_o).