A review by moonpie
The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero


The Supernatural Enhancements is a novel told in epistolary format, which is a style that I know puts some readers off. And sometimes it doesn't work. I think it works well enough here, though, where the story is told through letters, transcripts, a few photos and telegrams, articles, and diary entries. A.'s writing voice is stilted but it works with the Gothic feel of the novel. The exception to the "worked for this novel" rule would be the descriptions of video footage, which I found hard to follow at times. Mostly because: someone's shoes appearing on footage from a handheld camera, that's not riveting stuff for me.

The relationship between A. and Niamh is a bit odd. I could never keep Niamh's age straight -- is she 14? 17? but it seems like she's supposed to be young enough to make the possibility of a romantic relationship kind of weird.

I do wish there had been more ghost stuff, though. And maybe fewer explanations of cryptography, which I ended up skimming most of the time.

(three-and-a-half stars)