A review by jai_98
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller


Despite all the hype and praise surrounding this book, it simply did not live up to my expectations.

Firstly, the characters felt shallow and one-dimensional. Achilles and Patroclus are two iconic figures from Greek mythology, yet I found their portrayal in this novel to be lacking depth. Their relationship, which is supposed to be the central focus of the story, felt rushed and underdeveloped. I couldn't fully invest in their connection, as it seemed to lack the emotional depth that would have made it truly compelling.

Moreover, the pacing of the book was incredibly slow. The narrative dragged on, making it difficult for me to stay engaged. While I understand that Greek mythology can be complex, Miller's writing style failed to captivate me. The prose felt flat and lacked the poetic beauty that one might expect from a retelling of such an epic tale.

Additionally, I found the plot to be predictable and unremarkable. The events and conflicts unfolded in a manner that felt formulaic, leaving little room for surprises or genuine suspense. I was hoping for a fresh take on the myth of Achilles, but instead, I was met with a rather generic story that failed to leave a lasting impact.

Furthermore, the world-building was lacking. The ancient Greek setting felt superficial, and I longed for more vivid descriptions that would transport me to that era. The author missed an opportunity to fully immerse readers in the rich tapestry of Greek mythology, leaving me feeling detached from the story.

Lastly, the dialogue felt forced and unnatural at times. The characters' conversations lacked authenticity and failed to evoke any genuine emotions. This further hindered my ability to connect with the story and its protagonists.

In conclusion, while "Song of Achilles" may have garnered widespread acclaim, I found it to be a lackluster reading experience. The shallow characters, slow pacing, predictable plot, weak world-building, and stilted dialogue all contributed to my overall disappointment. Unfortunately, I cannot join in the chorus of praise for this novel