A review by shesnotthere
The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible by A.J. Jacobs


This is the only book I've ever read where I would tell someone I was reading this book (and it didn't matter if they were religious or not) that they would pause and immediately change the subject. I don't know if they thought the book would mock the Bible (which it doesn't) or make me some hard core religious fanatic (which it didn't). But I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was funny, insightful, heartfelt and absolutely fascinating. I can honestly say that I learned more about religious culture in this book than in any other book I've ever read or class I've taken. It has made me more aware and tolerant of other beliefs, which was something I didn't expect when I picked up this book. I most certainly will be reading A.J.'s other books. Absolutely an awesome book!