A review by eesh25
The Lost Colony by Eoin Colfer


4.5 Stars

The fifth book, and we have demons now! Turns out, the People still have a few secrets. And though demons haven't been around for a long time, something's happening that could change that. And, of course, Artemis somehow figures it out and decides to get involved. And it only gets better from there.

Honestly, the whole series is just getting better. I'm loving how the story progresses with each book. The growth in the character dynamics, the fact that we're able to address problems (like how Artemis shouldn't know about the People) and then move on. And I love that the series isn't afraid to make permanent changes to the characters or the world. Butler ageing, Commander Root's death, and now the introductions of demons.

The demons are great. I liked how they were introduced. They're entertaining too, and Number One, the demon we follow, is fun. The combination of timid, curious, fascinated and just fucking done with the morons of the world—it really worked for me.

Another thing I love is how Artemis and Holly are just friends now. Not enemies or reluctant allies, but genuinely friends. The two of them are so clever and work so well together that it's always great to see them team up. Not to mention that I adore how well Butler and Holly get along. They also seem to share the exasperation over Artemis's crazy schemes.

Another change was Artemis going through puberty. I thought it was handled with an appropriate amount of levity and self-awareness, even if the attempts to introduce a romantic interest were a little too blatant.

Overall, this was another great installment. It had a very strong plot, I loved the expansion of the world, and the pace was fantastic as always. I also played the audiobook while reading, but that was just because I love Nathaniel Parker's narration. Might continue to do that for future books, or maybe not. Either way, I'm really excited to read the rest of the series. Three books to go!