A review by tayboynton
Apology to the Young Addict: A Memoir by James Brown


“It feels like I’m praying to nothing and that’s what I’m trying to get away from. The nothingness. That life is nothing. That I am nothing. There’s an emptiness inside me that so badly needs to be filled, and when you take away the drugs and alcohol I’ve been trying to fill it with, I don’t know where to begin.” I am not an addict. But as someone who has spent a lot of time desperately trying to understand my father & his addiction, this memoir hits home harder than any other substance use disorder related book I’ve read.

James Brown pulls readers in with his well crafted writing and powerful anecdotes. He explores concepts of triggers, relapse, and hope for the future in structured chapters through a realistic, yet deeply empathetic lens. This is a beautifully written, honest book about addiction and the shame, stigma, and mental health concerns that so often accompany it. Brown is the real deal & I will recommend this book until the end of time.